April 13, 2013
I so love Nice – have had a place there for over 7 years now and am always so amazed about how the Mayor of Nice has championed and approved some amazing urban regeneration projects. The latest project “La Coulee Verte” (The green corridor) is a stunning new 12 hectare park that will literally cut through the centre of Nice.
The park replaces what was a corridor of bad, ugly and depressing town planning. It was a swathe of 70s industrial bus and coach stations, car parks and dodgy shopping malls. This has all been demolished now and the new park is starting to take shape.
The stunning facades of the Old Town face out over this new esplanade bringing the old and the new together perfectly.
The park will be a fantastic place to relax. One will be able to walk from Place Garibaldi all the way to the beach. Along the way interactive water features, cafes and soaring trees and planting will create a new area for relaxation. Love it.
Vive La France.