July 14, 2016
Our interior design services are predicated on the belief that only the best is good enough; exceeding the expectations of our clients comes as standard. In order to provide such a high quality service, we partner with the most experienced specialists...
June 24, 2016
Have you always wanted a walk in wardrobe? A space that is beautifully designed with you in mind? A dedicated area that will house all your clothes and accessories? Installing a walk in wardrobe beings many benefits to your home and...
June 21, 2016
Once again the Clerkenwell Design Week was incredible, justifying its claim to be the UK's most popular independent design festival. It gets larger and better every year - 35,414 visitors attended in 2015, but it seems that 2016 attracted even...
May 27, 2016
In the ever-evolving world of interior architecture it is important to be versatile in your approach; maximising the potential of your space is best achieved by being inventive. Catering for a client's needs and exceeding expectations are two of our most important aims...
May 25, 2016
As luxury interior designers, we value the potential of every space in your home: a space that is not utilised to its full potential is an inviting room waiting to happen. We understand that coming home after a long day at...
May 19, 2016
In order to deliver bespoke projects of the highest standards, we have been working closely with a range of distinguished partners here at Callender Howorth. From builders to art consultants, and everything in between, our contacts bring the best in construction,...
May 6, 2016
The biggest names in furniture design descended upon Milan for the 54th Salone Internazionale del Mobile. The annual Milan Furniture Fair showcases the latest innovations in international furniture and design from the very best luxury interior designers. The event took place...
April 28, 2016
In the realm of interior design, few spaces hold as much significance as the kitchen. Beyond its utilitarian function, the kitchen serves as a hub of connection and a focal point within any home. For those who embrace the essence...
March 30, 2016
At Callender Howorth we take great pride in working with the best partners available for each project we take on. Knowing how to put together the right team to bring a property to life is a skill in itself and...
March 25, 2016
Here at Callender Howorth we relish every opportunity to be inspired. From everyday observations to the largest interior design event in the UK, we are continuously find inspiration in a variety of sources. With The Ideal Home Show 2016 currently...